Physical Product: Where Design Meets Utility

Sometimes, I like to step out of the virtual design world and work with materials you can touch and feel.

Nammu Swimming hats

Nammu Hats combine style, comfort, and practical sun protection in chic bandana-inspired designs. These hats transcend age, appealing to a diverse global community of water sports enthusiasts, health-conscious parents, and individuals with unique needs. Nammu Hats symbolize strength and self-assuredness under the sun, cherished by organizations like the National Alopecia Areata Foundation and chemotherapy patients. 

Over a decade of sun protection excellence has led to an expanding range of meticulously crafted designs, making Nammu the go-to choice for style-conscious sun seekers.

Variety of design

Silly Cubez

Silly CubeZ offer endless possibilities for personal style. These 1.5cm X 1.5cm silicon cubes connect to create custom bracelets, watch bands, belts, and more. With a variety of colors, including tie-dye, rainbow, and army patterns, and endless embossing options for shapes, styles, or letters, Silly CubeZ cater to individual tastes and preferences, allowing each creation to be a unique expression of personal fashion.