Swim and Hear

Cochlear Implant and hearing Device to put in place 

Nammu Hats are great solution for kids and adults with cochlear implant to put it in place, comfortably and fashionably, while swimming

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Nammu hats are perfect for people with Cochlear Implants, as they can secure the processor in an aqua bag to keep it in place while swimming, playing, and diving. This allows for seamless hearing in the water, making Nammu hats great for swimming lessons, playing with friends, and even just swimming laps.


My daughter is hearing impaired and uses a cochlear implant to hear
I just wanted to share with you how wonderful I find your hat. My daughter is hearing impaired and uses a cochlear implant to hear. It is not waterproof so we have to put in a waterproof bag and then use a swim cap to help keep it in place if she wants to hear in the pool. She has tried several different swim caps but this was by far the best. It is very stylish and was so easy to use. Thank you so much for making this available. It truly has made our life better. I have shared your information with a group of Moms on Facebook who also have kiddos with cochlear implants.

Yvette Lindsey’s Mom, Your Content Goes Here

U have no idea how amazing this is for us!!!
Here is a picture of our London Boy- with his new Nammu Cap and his Cochlear AquaBags!!! Headed out the door to swimming lessons!! Thank you so much!!! U have no idea how amazing this is for us!!!

Lauren, Your Content Goes Here

Thank you a life changing product
My daughter wears a cochlear implant and uses a waterproof Alosak bag and your Nammu hat. It works wonderful to allow her to hear us while swimming. She can even now take swim lessons and hear the instructor. I have passed along your company’s information and have had several parents from Missouri, North Carolina, and other states purchase your product. Our friends have even used the bag and Nammu hat at the beach as well to prevent sand from getting into the implant. Thank you for making such a huge difference in our children’s lives. My child went from being frightened in the pool due to silence to an avid swimmer.

Kennedy, Australia , Your Content Goes Here