My new hat has arrived. THANK YOU THANK YOU.

I love it.  The larger size gives me the room to pull the hat comfortably down over my ears holding my external cochlear implant safely in place. It’s snug enough to not move and make noise in my external piece.

I wore it today all afternoon in the intense heat as I gardened and spent hours outdoors.
It will be perfect in the kayak and on our boat. Will certainly try it swimming eventually.

I also wanted to thank you again for your efficient service. You went above and beyond what I ever expected between emails and the phone call and making things right for me.
I have already shared with friends how refreshing it is to do business with a company that truly cares about its product and its customers!
I don’t use social media but I can post a review on your website or feel free to use this note or parts of it.
I will find a very deserving home for my one-size hat.

My Nammu hat allows me to wear my cochlear implant and my bike helmet! YAHOO! without my Nammu, my helmet knocks my CI off my head. This was a huge concern for me for safety reasons. Another reason to love my new hat.
Thought you might find this useful information for other adults with the same concern.
Thank you again.

I remember a time in Cozumel, where I would put on nammu in the morning, and go for a scuba dive (Cozumel has the best diving in the world)
come back on the dive boat, to shore,  By the time, I got to a motorcycle nammu was dry, put on my helmet, and circled the entire island,  In the south
I found a volcanic beach and took a swim,  wearing nammu now for 6 hours,  I use the extra-large with earflaps, as I have never endured another ear infection,
 from the diving.  It keeps debris from entering the ear down below 100ft,
Rode back to the hotel in comfort and had a few coronas at the beach, still wearing nammu
thx for surfacing that memory
health and happiness